Saturday, March 13, 2010


every time clay or i pick turner up (i mean, every single time), she clasps her hands together as if she is praying. endearing is the perfect word to describe this precious "quirk"-- it means "loveable, especially in a childlike way". that's it. it is so very loveable. it is sweet, and feminine. and oh, so endearing. and it is turner.

i wanted to remember this "thing" forever, so i asked my friend and amazing photographer angie to capture the moment... and here it is; it is perfect. thank you, angie!

i had tried many times before to capture this "thing" on my own, but since she does it when i pick her up, it was, well... impossible... i did manage to capture just the hands themselves before she unclasped them as i put her down... not only does it happen every time we pick her up, but it happens this same way. every. time. precious.

1 comment:

Angie Davis said...

it was a joy!