Thursday, December 6, 2007


I have not had a chance to post pictures from Thanksgiving yet because our camera battery died and we thought we had lost the battery charger; we found the charger...
Among many other things, Clay and I are so thankful for the gift of Clayton in our lives this Thanksgiving. There are no words sufficient to express the thankfulness and love in our hearts.
Mommy loves him...
Aunt Julie and Clayton

Cousins Chris and Carter adore "baby Clayton" and can't wait until he can play with them. I have no doubt Clayton will adore them one day soon as well.

Chris and Carter made microphones out of Tinker Toys and sang Happy Birthday to Clayton because it was his 13 week birthday. They also sang the Auburn fight song-- War Eagle!

I went shopping with Julie on "Black Friday" and found this adorable hat to keep Clayton's very bald head warm during the winter. He looks a little unsure about it...

Chris and Carter each wore one of these wigs to the Auburn v. Alabama game. We didn't want Clayton to feel left out so we tried it on him. Poor guy, mommy and daddy laughing at him and he doesn't even understand why!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those hat pictures are hysterical! You should submit one to the Cute Winter Hat Contest. I bet Clayton would win easily.