Wednesday, July 16, 2008

rug burn

or hardwood burn or deck burn... I feel sorry for Clayton's little knees and shins and the tops of his feet. It doesn't seem to bother him, though; he still drags those legs across any surface with amazing speed.

He always crawls with his left leg out to the side like this...

and that is what makes rug burn on this leg so bad!


Anonymous said...

That first picture makes me think he is gonna be a freak athlete.

Unknown said...

heather...he's so cute!

Angie Davis said...

i'm thinking he is practicing his heisman stance.

Cindy said...

Ha! I'm laughing about the Heisman stance comment :-) Clayton is such a cutie. said...

gosh I miss my buddy Soooooo much!! He is so dang cute!